We are a specialist company having expert knowledge of the travel business in five post-Soviet Central Asian countries.
We offer what travel professionals look for in local companies: quick answers, creative programs, an extensive local network and a personal approach.
We will be glad to realize your own travel ideas or help you to work out a special trip on the base of ours.

Ideas for travelling in Uzbekistan and Central Asia:

Great history and culture

The great history - the Great Game

Uzbekistan and Central Asia possess real historical and cultural treasures. Like a history storybook these lands witnessed different invaders, Silk road traders ...

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Beautiful diverse nature

Beautiful diverse nature

Rich and diverse nature of Central Asia offers different alternatives for adventure travels. Along with great world known rivers, lakes, mountains and deserts come less traveled...

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Outstanding crafts

Central Asia  is rich in traditional crafts: silk, ceramics & pottery, carpet weaving, woodcarving, gold embroidery, metal chase. It is possible to see both ancient techniques in small private workshops...

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Feel yourself local

Central Asia offers very good opportunities to feel yourself local staying with families and watching or participating in their traditional activities. It is possible to live in yurts with nomads, in kishlaks (villages)...

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More than just one country

Uzbekistan has a very convenient location and good connection with neighboring countries. So a trip to Uzbekistan may well be prolonged in Turkmenistan and Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and China...

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Vivid colourful bazaars

The oriental world is a world of trade. Bazaars in Central Asia appeared centuries ago as stops on the crossroads of the Silk Road and actually gave birth to many cities and towns here...

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Delicious oriental cuisine

Local cuisine is so different from typical European and American and being really delicious will add a lot to any journey. Truly speaking this is a different gastronomic reality...

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Rich museum collections

National museums and art galleries in Central Asia have rich and interesting collections including unique ancient pieces and are worth visiting.

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In the footsteps of...

Central Asia has always been an outstanding place attracting people from all over the world. It's hard to imagine all the opportunities for a trip "in the footsteps of famous people"...

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See the Aral Sea

It's time to see the remains of one of the greatest inner seas before it's gone. Although the disappearing Aral Sea is an environmental disaster, visiting both Uzbek and Kazakh sides...

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