History of Uzbekistan

History of Uzbekistan: General information

State from ancient times to the present day: brief information about the history of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia, between two large rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The history of the peoples, originally living in this territory, has more than one Millennium. This land became the Birthplace of civilization, which can rightly be called one of the oldest in the East.

The history of Uzbekistan is the history of individuals and great peoples, bloody conquests and large – scale uprisings, it is the history of the emergence of the most beautiful cities of Central Asia, it is the history of people who loved their Homeland with all their hearts.

For centuries, people lived on the territory of the Interfluve, the most beautiful cities were built: Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, etc.they were ravaged by militant tribes, but they, thanks to the efforts of people, again rose from the ashes even more beautiful and grandiose. This land was the place where the roads of the great silk Road intertwined, connecting Asia and Europe. Here, in numerous markets and bazaars worked as artisans, creating beautiful works of art, which are numerous along the silk Road reached the most remote corners of Europe and Asia.

The history of Uzbekistan, which goes back thousands of years, is rich. This, according to archaeologists, is one of the oldest human habitats. It is known that the area was inhabited long before our era, in the early Paleolithic, as shown by the findings, which are presented dwellings found in the mountains of Baisun-Tau and tools in Samarkand. In the upper Paleolithic there was inhabited by Neanderthals; their burial, discovered in the grotto Teshik-Tash, belongs to the Mousterian culture. In particular, it was discovered the burial of a child 8-9 years, which gives reason to talk about the most ancient ritual of human burial in Central Asia.

The body of the child was put in a pit lined around the bones of a mountain goat. Findings on the site of the excavations allow us to say that the man at that time was getting food hunting and gathering. Primitive tools were made of stone, although tools made of wood and bone were also found, which makes it possible to assert the first attempts of the ancient people to cope with the new material.