Local cuisine is so different from typical European and American cuisines and being really delicious will add a lot to a journey. Truly speaking this is a different gastronomic reality. Tasting local cuisine we feel local spirit and life. A gastronomic tour with various food as the main accent might be interesting and it will allow visiting the main cultural and historical highlights as well.


Delicious food during a trip is as important as excellent guides. And great food adventure is what one can definitely have in Uzbekistan and Central Asia. The restaurants we work with use only very good quality fresh local food and ingredients. Traditional food in Uzbekistan and Central Asia is very different from what people from Europe and USA and other countries are used to. It shows different sides of gastronomy and surprises with new combinations of ingredients. And at the same time oriental food is delicious and will certainly bring a lot of new feelings. Above all, tasting traditional dishes increases the understanding of local life, helping not only to see but to feel the country you are travelling in.
It important to take care about personal hygiene while travelling in Central Asia and follow such simple rules as: wash your hands before you eat, and wash what you eat if you eat outside restaurants. We trust the restaurants we offer as we work with them for many years and are sure about their food quality and sanitation.