Differing from most sightseeing trips to Central Asia that include only cities and ancient monuments we offer to dive into the real life of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Both countries have long and dramatic history, outstanding culture and strong traditions and even now we see traces of the rich ancient heritage in everyday life of local people.

This is a carefully tailored tour with a well balanced mix of urban and rural life, architectural masterpieces, historical background and scenic nature. Strolling along twisting streets of old Bukhara, admiring stunning architecture of Samarkand or ancient remnants of Penjikent you will get to know the history of the region. Gorgeous views of the Fann Mountains and Iskanderkul Lake will hardly leave you untouched. And charming small villages will bring you closer to local traditions and lifestyle.

You will definitely fall in love with the vibrant colorful beauty, amazing energy and outstanding hospitality of these lands. And cute oriental souvenirs and lovely pieces of handicraft will be bringing back nice memories long after the trip is finished.

At a glance:

Dates: 20 - 28 May, 2023 and 09 - 16 September, 2023
Countries: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
Join: Dushanbe (DUY), Tajikistan
End: Tashkent (TAS), Uzbekistan


  • Visit four Central Asian countries in 9 days
  • Great world-known architecture, dramatic hitory and outsdtanding nature
  • Absolutely fantastic ornaments and decoration of ancient madrassas and mosques
  • Landscape divercity and great mountain views
  • Oriental spirit, interesting traditions and delicious cuisine
Day 1. Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan
Dushanbe (GMT+5) is a relatively young modern city with many parks, wide avenues and beautiful mountains in the backdrop. These lands were already settled in the 5th century BC, but even a century ago Dushanbe was a small village with weekly Monday bazaars (Dushanbe means Monday). And only with the arrival of the railroad in 1929 Dushanbe was made the capital of the Soviet Tajik Republic.

After some rest at the hotel we meet for our welcome lunch in an authentic Tajik restaurant. Start our reconnaissance of Dushanbe with a pleasant walk along the city centre. Continue at the National Museum of Antiquities which houses exhibits from pre-Islamic civilizations like Greek-Baktrian, Buddhist, Zoroastrian but primarily known for the 14 m reclining Buddah in Nirvana dating back to the Kushan era ca. 1500 years ago. Finish the day at beautiful Botanical Garden. Dinner is not included, but your guide will definitely advise you on best places suiting your preferences.

Highlights of the day:
* Early check-in and time to recover after the flight till lunchtime
* Welcome lunch in an authentic Tajik restaurant
* The National Museum of Antiquities exhibiting the world's largest clay statue of a reclining Buddha
* Beautiful Botanical Garden which is also a popular recreational area
Overnight: Dushanbe
Meals included:  Breakfast and Lunch

Day 2. Iskanderkul Lake and Sarytag kishlak /village
In the morning leave the hustling city and drive towards the Fann Mountains, the most picturesque mountains in Central Asia. After ca. 160 km we arrive to the Lake Iskanderkul which is known for the legends about Alexander the Great, who is said to have been here on his way to India. And Iskanderkul actually means “Lake of Alexander”.
The lake is situated at 2,200 m above sea level and its maximum depth is 72 m. Iskanderkul is the largest, deepest and probably the most beautiful lake in the Fann Mountains. Enjoy easy walks and views of scenic Pamir-Alai Mountains. We will see the Snake Lake and a beautiful 43 m waterfall on the Iskanderkul River flowing out of the lake known as the ''Niagara of Fanns''.

After a lunch at the lake we continue driving (ca. 30 min) up the Sarytag River gorge to a small Sarytag village (kishlak) hidden in the mountains at the height of 2,380 m. Here you get a unique combination of gorgeous mountains, charming nature and true rural life of a small Tajik village. Walking around and enjoying stunning views you will also feel yourself a part of the everyday life of a small kishlak.

Highlights of the day:
* Beautiful Fann Mountains with stunning Pamir-Alai views in the backdrop
* Iskanderkul Lake, one of the bluest glacial lakes in Tajikistan and the “Niagara of the Fanns” waterfall
* Story of Alexander the Great whose footprints we follow
* Real life of a small Tajik village with real people
Overnight: guesthouse in Sarytag village
Meals included:  Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Day 3. Sarytag

Start the day with a pleasant walk in the mountains up the Karakul River (5-6 hours including lunch). This is an easy trek so you do not need any special training. You will love these beautiful gorges and clear rushing rivers surrounded by high snowcapped mountains. After some rest and a picnic lunch with stunning views we return back to Sarytag.

Spend the rest of the day in Sarytag walking around, observing, talking to local people and taking part in their everyday life. This is not a tourist park with actors dressed in costumes; you will see true present-day rural life of a small Tajik village far away from large cities. This is a place where traditions are honored and passed over from grandparents to grandchildren.

Highlights of the day:
Everyday life of a small Tajik village hidden in charming nature of a mountain gorge
* Easy walk in the most beautiful mountains of Central Asia: scenic views and outstanding photos
* Truly unique experience only few travelers have in Tajikistan
* Comfortable accommodation in a modern guesthouse
Overnight: guesthouse in Sarytag village
Meals included:  Breakfast and Lunch

Day 4. Sarytag – Penjikent - Samarkand

Leaving Sarytag we head to the town of Penjikent, that was one of the most important cultural and handicraft centers of Zoroastrian Sogdiana. The city was amazing and unusual that was referred to as the "Central Asian Pompeii". After lunch we visit the remnants of the 5-8th centuries medieval Sogd citadel with a palace, a necropolis with well-preserved elements of glue-painted wall paintings, and public and residential buildings.

Then move to Rudaki museum to see unique 6th century frescoes found in the area.

Drive ca. 20 km to the border with Uzbekistan. Upon finishing all formalities continue driving to Samarkand, the second important city of Uzbekistan (ca. 50 km). One of the most beautiful cities in Central Asia, it boasts magnificent monuments attracting people from all over the world.

In the evening we stroll down the city centre to enjoy the beauty of the well-lit ancient madrassas at the world-famous Registan Square.

Highlights of the day:
* The Zeravshan River valley with a nice looking Penjikent town which is said to be about 5000 years old
* Remnants of the 5-8th century citadel of Zoroastrian Sogdiana
* Impressive 6th century frescoes with hunting scenes from the Sogd citadel
* Architecture, painting and sculpture of Pendjikent (5th-7th centuries) are the works of art which have no analogues anywhere else in Central Asia
* Stroll along beautifully lightened centre of glorious Samarkand
Overnight: Samarkand
Meals included:  Breakfast and Lunch

Day 5. Samarkand
We start our tour with a visit to the beautifully decorated Gur-Emir – the family shrine of Timurides. Our guide will tell you stories about Timur or Tamerlane, one of the most powerful and successful leaders and conquerors in the world, who had once made Samarkand his glorious capital. Then visit the world-known Registan square.
After lunch we continue to the splendid Bibi Khanum mosque Timur built for his beloved wife, look into hustling and bustling Siab bazaar, and stroll through charming Shakh-i-Zinda memorial complex with probably the finest glazed tile decoration in Central Asia.
You will be surprised to see the best-equipped observatory of the medieval world built by Ulugbeck, the Timur’s grandson. Unlike his mighty parent Ulugbek was not interested in conquering new lands but achieved outstanding results in astronomy. Finally we visit Khoja Doniyar Mausoleum with the growing tomb of Prophet Daniel. The legend says that the Prophet's arms grow in peaceful times, and as soon as they stretch all around the globe, the Golden Age will come. Dinner on your own today.

Highlights of the day:
* UNESCO heritage Registan ensemble with three beautifully decorated ancient madrassas
* Story of Timur and his great Empire traced in medieval monuments right in front of you
* Finest tile decoration, superb mosaic and twisted oriental ornaments along with bright blue domes all around
* Mystical stories of the growing tomb and unbelievable medieval astronomy discoveries by Ulugbek
* Traditional lunch in authentic ancient caravanserai in Samarkand
Overnight: Samarkand
Meals included:  Breakfast and Lunch

Day 6. Rabat-i-Malik, Gizhduvan, Vobkent, Naiman village/kishlak
Today we have a chance to see real life outside the large centers in Uzbekistan. Driving to Bukhara we will have interesting activities on the way.
First we stop to see the remnants of once magnificent 11th century palace the Rabat-i-Malik (means the Royal Fortress). It was a fortified steppe citadel of the Turkic rulers of the Karakhanid dynasty who owned the lands of Maverannahr in the 11-12th centuries and later turned into caravanserai. We will also see ancient gigantic stone water reservoir Sardoba Malik.
The next stop is in Gijduvan where we visit the ceramic studio of the world-known ceramist master Abdullo Narzullaev. Gijduvan was a handicrafts centre since ancient times. This is the sixth generation to continue the tradition of family ceramics. Today Gijduvan masters are known not only in Uzbekistan but also all over the world.
Short stop in Vobkent to see one of the most elegant minarets in Uzbekistan dating back to the 12th century. It is often called the small copy of Kalyan minaret in Bukhara. It’s notable that the name of the person who initiated its construction as well as the dates are written right on the minaret.
Our last stop on the way to Bukhara will be in the village of Naiman where we will visit a local family. We spend the rest of the day in the village, explore all details and learn how people live and work in the countryside. We walk around and a little outside the village to see vast fields and beautiful gardens. We take part in cooking traditional Uzbek pilaf, so you will learn all secrets of this delicious meal. We will also bake bread in a traditional tandoor stove. Lunch today will be in the village with local family.
In the evening we leave Naiman and finally arrive in Bukhara, over 2000-year old city with absolutely fantastic medieval old town where you can get lost in time.

Highlights of the day:
* Unique 13m deep gigantic underground tank built in the 11th century to supply water to all those staying at the Rabat-i-Malik caravanserai
* Meeting with the world-known 6th generation ceramic master who will give a tour around the studio and tell the secrets of his craft
* Charming authentic Uzbek village where we meet local people, chat with them and get to know their lifestyle and traditions
* Learn how to make the best Uzbek pilaf and see how traditional bread is baked
Overnight: Bukhara
Meals included:  Breakfast and Lunch

Day 7. Bukhara
Being once an important citadel of the ancient Silk Road, and later the centre of several great empires, today Bukhara boasts UNESCO World Heritage Site - the "Historic Centre of Bukhara". So we will spend this day among beautifully decorated old madrassas, mosques and minarets. Starting from the family shrine of Samanid rulers in the Samanid mausoleum, we soon dive into the old town, and following its twisting narrow streets enjoy true architectural masterpieces such as the famous 12th century Kalyan minaret and wonderfully decorated Ulugbek madrassa. During the tour we will have lunch in one of the charming authentic restaurants. Finish sightseeing in the heart of the old town at Lyaby-Haus. A 17th century pond shaded by mulberry trees as old as the pond for centuries has served as a favorite place to meet friends, ear & drink and relax. Here you can stay and relax too or start browsing through the streets of Bukhara at your own pace. Dinner is on your own tonight.

Highlights of the day:
* Amazingly well-preserved old town with truly medieval oriental atmosphere
* Numerous architectural masterpieces all around
* Authentic trading domes that ages ago met caravans of the Silk Road and are still flooded with traders offering all possible kinds of craft and tissues
* Feeling of a true oriental fairytale in the evening lights
Overnight: Bukhara
Meals included:  Breakfast and Lunch

Day 8. Tashkent
Free morning and early afternoon in Bukhara is a perfect opportunity to walk thought the trading domes and get some souvenirs, silk, dolls, carved boxes and many other nice pieces that will remind you about your trip. Or take a leisurely stroll along the twisting streets just enjoying the architecture and atmosphere.

We take a comfortable high-speed train to Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. The ride is a bit less than 4 hours. Upon arrival we will have dinner followed by a short tour of the evening Tashkent. It's hard to believe this metropolis is an ancient city that lived through many invasions and rulers. We will see the beautiful old Hast-Imam area and wide boulevards and parks of the modern city.

Highlights of the day:
* Half-day in Bukhara at your disposal to enjoy the town at your own pace or get nice souvenirs
* Comfortable ride on a modern high-speed train
* Hast-Imam area with ancient mosques and madrassas and modern city attractions of beautifully lightened evening Tashkent
Overnight: Tashkent
Meals included:  Breakfast and Dinner

Day 9. Fly Home

Today we leave Central Asia and fly home bringing back pleasant memories, dozens of beautiful photos and nice souvenirs.
Trip ends.
Meals included: Breakfast


Important note

For over 30 years we have been designing and organizing many trips in Uzbekistan and all over Central Asia, from in-depth sightseeing to adventure and exploratory trips.

We are proud of our high level of service. We take care of every detail on each step of the process from the initial inquiry to the very end of the trip.

We carefully chose hotels to offer best combination of service, price and location. Our guides are true experts and enthusiasts knowing their home country inside out. We offer high quality vehicles and choose perfect restaurants.

Food & Accommodation

We offer nice cozy hotels throughout the trip. Your hotel will be centrally located, all rooms will have facilities ensuite. The exact names & addresses of all the hotels will be send to you together with other detailed instructions ca. 2-3 weeks prior to the departure.

You may find the cities and towns where you stay for an overnight in the day-by-day itinerary on this site as well as meals included each day.

We take care of vegetarians and people with any other diet or food limitations. Please make sure you inform us when booking a trip so that we could provide you with an appropriate menu.

Please feel free to contact us any time if you have any questions regarding meals and accommodation.

Airport transfers and Meeting instructions

All our groups meet at the hotel. Upon arrival in Tashkent you may take a taxi to your hotel on your own. If you would like us to meet you at the airport please let us know in advance. We will confirm the cost of the arrival transfer as soon as you let us know your flight details.

You may organize your departure airport transfer at your hotel or book with our company.

We are ready to assist in any kind of logistics including train tickets, minivan transfers or domestic flight. Should you require any help in your arrival or departure planning, please do not hesitate to ask.

Trip price:

US $1190 per person

  • 6 nights in twin/double rooms in cozy centrally located 3-4 star hotels
  • 2 nights in a comfortable guest house in Sarytag village
  • Early check-in at the hotel on the arrival day (including breakfast)
  • 9 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 3 dinners
  • Local English-speaking guides throughout the trip
  • All group bus/minibus rides throughout the trip
  • Train ride Bukhara – Tashkent (Day 8)
  • Entry tickets to the following sites: Tashkent: Hast-Imam Complex. Penjikent: Rudaki museum, Sogd citadel. Samarkand: Gur-Emir Mausoleum, Registan Square, Bibi Khanum mosque, Shakh-i-Zinda complex, Ulugbek Observatory, Khoja Doniyar Mausoleum. Bikhara: Samanid Mausoleum, Kalyan complex.
  • Tour of Narzullaev’s private ceramic studio (Day 6)
  • Various activities and walks in Sarytag and Naiman villages as described in the itinerary
Necessary expenses not included:
  • International flights: we do not book international flights. The trip starts in Dushanbe (DUY) and ends in Tashkent (TAS), Uzbekistan. Please book your arrival and departure flights accordingly.
  • Arrival and departure airport transfers
Extras not included:
  • Single supplement US $180 per person
  • Alcohol and soft drinks during meals
  • Tips for guides and drivers

On this trip you visit Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Citizens of many countries do not need visas to most of the countries visited on the trip or need only an e-visa (applied before arrival). Please make sure to check at the websites below in advance to have time to issue an e-visa.

Check whether you need a visa: https://mfa.uz/en/pages/visa-republic-uzb
E-visas https://e-visa.gov.uz/main

Check whether you need a visa https://www.consular.tj/visa-system-with-foreign-countries.aspx
E-visas https://www.evisa.tj

Please ask us questions!

Please note, in case you need the visas those visas must be obtained beforehand! You can not obtain your visas at the border control.
Full details of the visa (if required) procedures involved will be included in the pre-departure booklet.