Due to its rich historical and cultural heritage Uzbekistan is probably the most outstanding country of Central Asia.

We do not limit our tour to cultural and historical sightseeing only, but offer a nice integration of crafts and cuisine experiences too.

Below is one of the possible itineraries around Uzbekistan. The itinerary is a brief outline, we are happy to adjust it to your particular preferences.

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Day 1. Departure

Departure from your country.

Day 2. Tashkent

Arrive in Tashkent early in the morning. Usually the flights are overnight so early check-in might be essential. Time to relax. After lunch sightseeing in Tashkent, including old town, modern part of the city and a visit the Islamic Institute library to see the famous Osman (Ottoman) Koran.
Overnight in Tashkent.
Accommodation options: 3-5 star hotels, B&B

Day 3. Nukus and Savitsky museum

Take morning flight from Tashkent to the town of Nukus. Visit Savitski museum to see the unique collection of Russian avant-guard art. This museum is often called “The Louvre in the desert”. Then drive ca. 200 km to Khiva (ca. 3.5 - 4 hours). On the way stop to see remains of the ancient citadel Toprak-Kala which was the capital of Khorezm Khanate in the 3rd century A.D.
Overnight in Khiva.
Accommodation options: 3-4 star hotels, B&B

Day 4. Khiva

Full day sightseeing in the old town of Khiva which is so well-preserved, that you seem to be travelling back in time. The old town of Khiva is a part of UNESCO heritage.
Overnight in Khiva.

Day 5. Kyzyl-Kum desert

Today we will be driving all day through one of the world-known deserts Kyzyl-Kum (ca. 460 km, ca. 6 hours). Stop for lunch to try local fish from Syr-Darya river.
Overnight in Bukhara.
Accommodation options: 3-5 star hotels, B&B

Day 6. Bukhara

Bukhara is worth spending at least 2 days there. Bukhara's beautiful old town bring you back in time as well as in Khiva with all its madrassahs, minarets and mosques along the twisting alleys.
Sightseeing in Bukhara usually includes ca. half-day walking tour of the old town: Chor Minor, Lyabi Hovus, Kalyan minaret, Mir-i-Arab Madrassah, Magoki-Attori Mosque, Nadir Divan-begi and other places. Out of the old town there are other important sites to see in these 2 days: the Ismail Samani mausoleum, Bolo Haus Mosque, the Ark citadel. Time permitting it may be interesting to see the Emir's Summer Palace, and Chor-Bakr and Bahouddin Naqshbandi memorial complexes which are outside Bukhara.
Full day sightseeing in Bukhara.
Overnight in Bukhara.

Day 7. Bukhara

Continue sightseeing in Bukhara and free time for souvenir shopping or personal activities after lunch.
Overnight in Bukhara

Day 8. Bukhara - Gijduvon - Samarkand

In the morning we drive to Samarkand (total driving ca. 283 km) with a stop in Gijduvon (45 km from Bukhara). Gijduvon is a well-known ceramic center of Uzbekistan. The often called Bukhrara ceramics is actually made in Gijduvon and has some special design and colors. Visit local ceramic Master and his workshop. Continue driving to Samarkand.
Half-day sighseeing in Samarkand.
Overnight in Samarkand.
Accommodation options: 3-4 star hotels, B&B

Day 9. Samarkand

Samarkand, the town which Timur (Tamerlane) made his glorious capital back in the 14th century, is nowadays the second largest and important town of Uzbekistan.
Sightseeing in Samarkand usually includes at least 1.5  - 2 days depending on the pace and interest. The following historical and cultural sites are the most important to see: the Registan Square (UNESCO site), Bibi-Khanum Mosque, Gur-Emir Mausoleum, Shakh-i-Zinda Mausoleum, Ulugbek Observatory, Afrosyob museum. Siob bazaar is another "must" to see and feel the atmosphere. Being located right near Bibi-Khanum Moscuqe it easily fits in any itinerary. 
Full day sightseeing in Samarkand.
Overnight in Samarkand

Day 10. Shakhrisabz

Drive to ca. 90 km to Shakhrisabz, the native town of Timur (Tamerlane). Tour of Shakhrisiabz.
Drive another 290 km to Termez.
Overnight in Termez.
Accommodation options: 2-3 star hotels

Day 11. Termez

Termez is an ancient town. First appeared as a small village over 2500 years old it turned into a real town when Greeks who settled in Bactria after Alexander the Great campaign. Termez was situated on the trade routes from India and Greeks accepted Buddhism.For a long time Termez was known as the Northern centre of Buddhism.
There are many interesting sites for visit in Termez are. Kara-Tepe is an ancient Buddhist monastery dating back to the early 2nd century A.D. The monastery consists of caves and outside buildings. Some of the walls still preserve ancient inscriptions and paintings. Another site is ancient Fayaz-Tepe Buddhist Monastery. The walls of it still preserve one of the most ancient painted depictions of Buddha dating back to the 1st century A.D. Al Hakim At-Termizi Mausoleum is the main holy place in Termez. Al Hakim At-Termizi is one of the greatest hadith scholars in Central Asia. They say that the Monastery dates back to the 9th century and was enlarged later in the 11th and 14th centuries. The archaeological museum in Termez possesses rich collection of ancient and medieval objects, and boasts the richest collection of Antique period of Central Asia. 
Overnight in Termez.

Day 12. Termez - Tashkent - Fergana

It is possible to fly from Termez to Tashkent. There are about 5-6 flights per week, and the flight takes ca. 1 hour 15 minutes. There are as well trains, both day trains and overnights trains. The train ride takes ca. 11-13 hours depending on the train. All options should be checked when the dates are known.
Take a morning flight to Tashkent. Lunch in Tashkent. Then take late afternoon train from Tashkent to Margilan (approximately 17:30- 22:30). Transfer to Fergana (ca. 30 minutes drive, 17 km).
Overnight in Fergana
Accommodation options: 3 star hotels

Day 13. Fergana, Chust, Margilan

For the coming 2 days we will live in Fergana. Fergana valley is different from other parts of Uzbekistan. People here are more religious and have more traditional way of life.
On the first day we will start with the town of Chust (110 km from Fergana) famous for outstanding handicrafts, especially knives which were made here since ancient times and are well known all over Uzbekistan and abroad.
After some sightseeing in Chust drive ca. 85 km to Margillan town which is known for silk production. At Yedgorlik silk factory where they still preserve ancient traditional way of silk weaving. The visitors can see the whole process from steaming and unravelling the cocoons to weaving silk fabrics. Besides there is a large and colorful Kumtepa bazaar which is very interesting to see and even buy some silk items.
Drive 17 km to Fergana. 
Overnight in Fergana.

Day 14. Kokand and Rishtan

In the morning drive 60 km to Rishtan – the most famous ceramic center in Uzbekistan and visit the workshop of a local Master. At the workshop we will learn about the process of making different ceramics and will see a little exhibition of the works of the Master and his students.
Drive 42 km to Kokand, an ancient town which once was an important stop on the Silk Road and witnessed many invaders. It became the most prosperous in the 18th century when it became the capital of Kokand khanate. Sightseeing in Kokand includes visit to the beautiful palace of Khudayar Khan which is now local lore museum.
Lunch and transfer to the railway station and take afternoon train from Kokand to Tashkent (ca. 17:00 – 21:00).
Overnight in Tashkent.
Accommodation options: 3-5 star hotels, B&B

Day 15. Departure

Transfer to the airport for a flight home.