A trip to see the Aral Sea is a special interest trip for people concerned about environmental protection and ecology. The story of the sea is rather dramatic. Once being the 4th largest lake in the world Aral is now dying. The Aral Sea started to disappear when Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers started to supply water for various agricultural needs. As a result today the water from the rivers sometimes never get to the sea at all getting lost in sands. According to economical investigations the income from the agriculture is several times more than the income from the fishing industry which was very well developed in the Aral Sea. But from the point of ecology this situation is a disaster.

Nowadays the Sea is divided into several separate lakes, which are situated in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Most part of the “what is left” is so salty that there’s no fish anymore. Basically the Sea is disappearing and it’s a chance to see it before it’s gone. Most seabed is now a salty desert with rusty old ships scattered in the middle of nowhere. It is now evident that the Aral Sea will disappear soon, we only do not know when exactly. Nothing can be done to either save or protect it. 

During our trip we offer to see the Aral Sea from the two sides in both countries. In Uzbekistan there were found gas fields on the former seabed of the Aral and its production is now well-developed. In Kazakhstan they try to preserve what is left in the smaller part of the Sea, and there is some progress and tiny perspectives for the future. The water level increased since 2005 and the fish is now back in the sea as the water is not critically salty. But even if they succeed the saved part will be many times smaller than the original Aral. 

Apart from a trip being devoted mainly to environmental issues with an aim to see the Aral before it’s gone, it is possible to add some cultural and historical sightseeing or combine it with other interesting activities in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

See the Aral Sea

Those who would like to see the Aral Sea before it’s gone and learn more about changes that occurred in the region within the recent 60 years may have a look at our trip to this Sea. You will see both Uzbek and Kazakh sides, and apart from finding a lot of interesting facts about the Aral sea, you will travel through 2 different countries, see their main highlights as well as visit places seldom visited by foreigners.