A must for history and culture lovers
A trip to Central Asia is a must for people interested in oriental history and culture. It goes without saying that the main interest for travelers coming to Central Asia are the world-known ancient cities like Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara, Merv and others, where one can touch the ancient architecture of these lands.
Easy combined with all Central Asian Republics
Uzbekistan has very good geographic position and offers convenient connection with other countries in Central Asia. So a good combination with any Republic or even with all of them is always possible. By the way, a tour “All Central Asia” can be done in 2 or 3 weeks and will include all the main highlights of the region. Read more
Outstanding crafts
Central Asia is rich in traditional crafts: silk, ceramics & pottery, carpet weaving, woodcarving, gold embroidery, metal chase. It is possible to see both ancient techniques in small private workshops and larger modern factories. The craft centres are located in different parts of Central Asia and can be well added to any kind of tour as a special experience At the same time a special interest tour devoted mainly to crafts will surely pass through the main historical and architectural sites thus allowing the travelers to see and explore the “musts” too. The workshops and local craftsmen offer many options for master-classes which can be as well added to any trip.
Vivid and colourful bazaars
Central Asia was always known for its bazaars. They appeared centuries ago as stops on the crossroads of the Silk Road and actually gave birth to many cities and towns here. The bazaars still keep the spirit of ancient oriental trade world. Here is real life which you can see and even participate. Large bazaars sell almost everything one can imagine: great variety of food from meat & diary products to fruits, vegetables and nuts, all kinds of local crafts, carpets etc.
Rich and diverse nature
Rich and diverse nature of Central Asia offers different alternatives for adventure travels. Along with great world known rivers, lakes, mountains and deserts come less traveled enjoyable attractions. Here is the short list: Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya rivers, Pamir and Tien-Shan Mountains, Kara-Kum and Kyzyl-Kum deserts, Issyk-kul lake.
Delicious oriental cuisine
Local cuisine is so different from typical European and American cuisines and being really delicious will add a lot to a journey. Truly speaking this is a different gastronomic reality. Tasting local cuisine we feel local spirit and life. A gastronomic tour with various food as the main accent might be interesting and it will allow visiting the main cultural and historical highlights as well.
See the disappearing Aral sea
It’s time to see the remains of one of the greatest inner seas before it’s gone. Although the disappearing Aral sea is an environmental disaster, visiting both Uzbek and Kazakh sides you will get an answer to the question, whether there’s any future for the Aral.
Interesting National Museums and Art galleries
National museums and art galleries in Central Asia have rich and interesting collections including unique ancient pieces. The most surprising is probably Savitsky museum collection of Russian Avant-guard art of the 20th century once hidden from the Soviet government in the town of Nukus. Read more to learn about other National treasures.
Feel yourself local
Central Asia offers very good opportunities to feel yourself local staying with families and watching or participating in their traditional activities. It is possible to live in yurts with nomads, in kishlaks (villages) in various regions of Central Asia, in mountains and in the deserts. These are not artificial folk villages for tourists, but real ones with local people doing their everyday work: gardening, harvesting, taking care of the animals, making felt rugs etc.
In the footsteps of…
Central Asia has always been an outstanding place attracting people from all over the world. It’s hard to imagine all the opportunities for a trip “in the footsteps of famous people”. Apart from Marco Polo and Alexander the Great, there are Swedes, Brits, Germans and many others. During the Great Game many interesting people visited Central Asia. Have you heard that according to local legends Iskanderkul lake was named after Alexander the Great who was there with his army, and Alaudin lake is a beautiful lake on the shores of which Aladdin stopped for an overnight?